Edgewood Health Network
for your employees, there is no single source you can go to, especially on the accredited side of the marketplace.We had the vision of creating that as a first in Canada, so we started with Edge- wood Treatment Center in Nanai- mo.We added Bellwood Health Services in Toronto and then we added Clinique Nouveau Départ in Montreal. Across those three facilities, you have over a hun- dred years of experience, so our goal remains quite simple: we want to provide the highest level of patient care across the country. In addition to those three inpa- tient facilities, we have outpa- tient facilities across the country in most major cities.We want to provide a full continuum of care which means not just inpatient treatment, but also aftercare and additional platforms as well.” Addiction and other related mental health problems are seri- ous, persistent, and challenging. EHN believes that collaboration, compassion, and respect set the tone for the care they provide. That means a treatment approach which creates therapeutic com- munities in which patients, clients, families, and staff, alike, all contrib- ute to the healing process as they share activities, build relationships, and interact throughout the day. It is about creating an environment EDGEWOOD HEALTH NETWORK of safety, trust, and honesty. “There are multiple channels in which clients come to know about us,” says Manget, “but the biggest single one is probably the internet. People find us through web searches, Google, and so on, and then they get to our admissions departments and then decide whether or not it makes sense to come in. On the other hand, the most rapidly growing part of our business is from employers who are seeing the need to send their employees to private treatment centers, because although the public system is fine, there are serious waiting lists and you don’t get the same kind of level of care as we would offer. So, they see it as a positive return on investment to send an employee to us versus waiting for the private system.” Thus, the majority of revenue at EHN comes from private pay, with about 95 percent of the business funded by individuals, insurance companies, and employers, and the remaining five percent by the
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