Sturgeon Public Schools

already exploring foundational coding and problemsolving applications. On AI, Stephen acknowledges the evolving nature of the field: “We’re figuring out the best ways to incorporate it in classrooms, addressing challenges as they arise and moving forward with what works.” Beyond STEAM’s traditional boundaries, Sturgeon Public Schools demonstrates innovation through unique projects like adaptive toy design. Jonathan Konrad, Deputy Superintendent, shares a moving example: “We had junior high students redesign toys for kids with physical challenges. With 3D printers and creative minds, they modified toys so everyone could play and have fun. The students love it, and it’s a project with real impact.” The division’s forward-thinking initiatives extend into agriculture, introducing students to this vital sector through partnerships and hands-on learning. “We’re working with groups to create courses, explore drone applications, and take students on field trips 4 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 06, ISSUE 01