Rutland City Public Schools

equity considerations throughout their strategic initiatives, including ensuring all students have access to co-curricular and extracurricular activities by identifying and addressing potential barriers to participation. Under the leadership of Patricia Aigner, Director of Technology, Rutland City Public Schools has become a leader in educational technology, with high-speed internet and a city-wide wireless network.“Teachers have classrooms that are set up to access technology very efficiently, they all have smart boards or smart TVs,” Aigner notes. These strategic upgrades across the district, funded by ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund), have transformed teaching and learning into more dynamic, tech-integrated experiences. Aigner highlights that Vermont has embraced the ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) standards for technology education, and has taken a proactive approach to cybersecurity and digital citizenship. “We spend a lot of time talking about student safety on the internet, we’re really trying to keep our kids abreast of security as well as how they behave and relate to others on the internet,” Aigner explains. Regarding artificial intelligence, the district has taken a thoughtful approach to integration, incorporating AI education into their curriculum while ensuring responsible use.As an early adopter, they’re focused on helping students understand both the capabilities and limitations of AI technology. The district has also collaborated extensively with ISTE, producing educational videos, presentations, and testing AI resources for students during the pandemic. A UNIFIED TEACHING PHILOSOPHY Rutland City Public Schools prioritizes collaboration to ensure consistency and quality across the district. Superintendent Bill Olsen explains,“the district does work to make sure teachers work together, that we work in teams, take a common approach to what we’re instructing, what we’re shooting for in goals, and how we’re assessing.”This teamwork ensures all students receive the same high-quality instruction. To support this philosophy, the district partners with national organizations like Marzano Resources and 4 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 06, ISSUE 01