For Alair Homes, embracing these market changes with the flexibility to provide a broad range of home construction expertise is all in a day’s work. Serving the Northeast Wisconsin housing market, including Green Bay and the Fox Cities, Door County, and the lakeshores, Alair Homes Green Bay also has the geographical footprint to continue to lead its local competitors. Boasting a cross-section of custom homes and providing remodeling services that cover a host of possibilities for its homeowners,Alair Homes Green Bay has mastered the art of putting its homeowners first while always viewing the business as one of fostering lasting relationships. A RELATIONSHIP BUSINESS APPROACH Rather than approaching each project as a transaction to be completed,Alair Homes Green Bay has nurtured relationships with its valued homeowners, trade partners, and suppliers that last long after the job is done. Regional Partner with Alair Homes, Andy Selner, sums up the philosophy that grounds this successful home builder and guides their work every day. “We help busy people live better lives,” he states. “This is what we are known for.” As part of the remarkably successful Alair Homes brand that is present across key markets throughout North America, Andy Selner and his wife and business partner Nicole Selner have been growing their regional brand in the Wisconsin market.Acutely aware of the uniqueness of the midwestern housing market and taking into account the specific needs of their customer base, the Selner duo have built a home construction company to be envied. “Our niche is not a particular product or size of home. It is finding the right homeowner and the right fit for us and them,” Selner describes. “The individuals who hire us are wanting to partner with us for a specific purpose. They know what we bring to the table, and we are helping them through the entire process whether it is a primary bathroom remodel or a multi-million dollar home,” he continues. A DIVERSE PORTFOLIO Selner brings over 20 years of experience in the home building sector.This hard-earned experience is evident when he speaks about the types of projects that his company is currently working on. “We keep a diverse portfolio of projects. We engage with all different sizes and investments, styles from 3 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 12, ISSUE 01 ALAIR HOMES GREEN BAY