Rimrock Elevations Inc
RIMROCK ELEVAT IONS INC . construction, it took roughly two years to design the home, and is nearly 18 months into the building phase, with completion nearing 2024. Among the features confirmed by Rimrock of this home are a golf simulation area, a large movie theater, state-of-the-art automation and mechanical components, an elevator, and more. Its windows were custom-engineered for the structure and geographic location, and its main floor was built at a height of 12 feet. Says Halabi,“The design is unlike anything else seen in Edmonton.” Rimrock has built several homes in the exclusive Windermere neighborhood in Edmonton, and each home comes with the features that made it unique, Fekete says. As with many of its projects, Rimrock’s clients in the latest Windermere custom home have made changes and added new features to their plan since the design was first finalized. 7 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 01
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