Calcasieu Parish Public Schools

from these narratives, focusing on our unique strengths and the specific needs of our district.” He emphasizes the importance of steering the narrative in an increasingly competitive educational market. The CPSB’s proactive approach in shaping its story is critical to its success. “We’re not just participants in the educational landscape; we’re actively shaping it,” Dr. LaFargue asserts.“Our public information office plays a pivotal role in ensuring our partnerships with universities, technical colleges, government bodies, and local businesses are known. We’re focused on integrating the community with our schools, and vice versa, breaking down silos that can hinder progress.” This effort to forge strong community links is about collaboration and providing students with the broadest range of opportunities possible. “Our goal is to create a culture where opportunity is not just a buzzword but a tangible reality for our students,” he explains. 7 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 01 CALCASI EU PARISH PUBL IC SCHOOLS