7 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 9, ISSUE 12 VALPARAISO, IN to the top of the list quite early on in our administration was stormwater management, because, of course, people are rightfully concerned about their properties flooding if water is not channeling properly throughout the city. So, we have spent a significant amount of time, energy, and resources on addressing some long-term issues, improving stormwater management for the long term. Alleyway maintenance and road traffic safety have also been key priorities. Thanks to the expertise of our city engineer, we have worked throughout many neighborhoods to implement traffic calming methods that make roads safer for vehicles and pedestrians alike.” Economic development in Valparaiso has been geared towards the retention, expansion, and success of existing businesses, says Douglas. “We love to work with existing small, medium, and large businesses to ensure their continued success, particularly in the wake of COVID. A few businesses have outgrown their current spaces, so we are looking at filling some of the last lots in our commercial business parks to accommodate. RATIODESIGN.COM Architecture Interior Design Landscape Architecture Urban Design Preservation Graphic Design INDIANAPOLIS CHICAGO DENVER RALEIGH CHAMPAIGN, IL JOURNEYMAN DISTILLERY ANCO FACTORY REDEVELOPMENT 36