Casing Specialties
10 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 9, ISSUE 12 CASING SPECIALT I ES specialists, they know they need a low turnover. The company wants to keep its employees and their families happy by ensuring they are safe when on the job. Some projects require them to be on-site for up to 72 hours straight. “Everything we do has to have a human element of consideration in it. We need the employees to be happy, safe, and to rock up on site with a positive attitude,” says Davis. Casing Specialties is the company to work for in the casing industry, with leadership that inspires their teams. In 2023 and beyond, the company wants to ensure its employees understand that it cares about them, their safety, and what matters to them. The goal for the future is simple, Davis concludes; to ensure the workers can start and finish their careers in a company that cares about them.
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