Club Spa & Fitness Association
6 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 9, ISSUE 1 CLUB SPA AND F I TNESS ASSOC I AT ION share ideas and resources to help keep their own members satisfied and well throughout lockdowns. Many of the clubs had to really think outside the box to help provide service to their members despite various restrictions, including lockdowns, masking, and just general anxiety around enclosed spaces. “The way the clubs responded to such a crisis with a lens of opportunity was awe-inspiring,” Lord recalls. “Some of them were able to – forgive the pun – flex their creativity and ingenuity. They did everything from Facebook Live workout classes to estheticians calling and one another. The highlights from each month are included in the monthly newsletter as well. That connection to other members is one of the highlights of being part of the association. Its members have a strong connection, and with that comes even greater benefits. “There is a really strong sense of community in the industry – that ‘rising tides raise all ships’– so people are really willing to share information and best practices,” Lord explains. That connection provided a beneficial resource to members when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. The camaraderie, as well as the educational benefits afforded to members allowed them to
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