The Municipality of Springfield, Manitoba

THE MUNI C I PAL I TY OF SPR INGF I ELD , MANI TOBA initiative to bring high-speed internet to rural areas. Springfield should have possible upgrades completed in two years. The municipality is also working to build more diversified housing in the community with apartments, single detached residences, townhomes, and condo buildings. In the next five years, Fell hopes to help create a municipality that has something for everyone and attracting more businesses to ensure residents have everything they need in the community. Elaborating on that vision, Mayor Fell notes, “We want a place where people can live, have a wide range of housing alternatives for residents (and hopefully people moving in) to choose from, and a number of new businesses coming to Springfield. We want to see our economic base thrive. We want people to be able to work in the RM and live in the RM, as well as to have a multitude of recreational opportunities and to foster different interests.” That mission seems to be well on track to become reality in the not- too-distant future. Left to Right: Councillor Peter Williams, Mayor Tiffany Fell, Councillor Rick Wilson, Councillor Glen Fuhl, Councillor Valerie Ralke, Councillor Howard Bredin 1-30 Co-Op Drive Box 517 Oakbank, MB R0E1J0 204-444-4430 FAMILY DENTAL CARE Dr. Brian Maddaford B.Sc., D.M.D.