
GIVING BACK TO THE COMMUNITY Res/Title is more than just a company that caters to those who can afford a home or a business, they also want to give those with a tougher lot in life a little help and let them know they are not forgotten. Res/Title CEO, James Paolino, Esq., grew up near St. Mary’s Home for Children in Rhode Island and through his work and life met people who benefitted from the care and compassion shown to them by the Home’s employees. St. Mary’s was created as an orphanage in 1877, after two couples died that same winter leaving seven children with no one to care for them. Through the years it has cared for thousands of children and is now a not-for-profit agency that delivers treatment programs for boys and girls traumatized by abuse or experiencing psychiatric challenges. They provide support and skills to keep families together and thriving through programs tailored to each child, whether they stay at the home or are treated in out-patient programs. When Paolino was told about the abused and neglected children who reside there, it struck a chord in his heart and he decided to do something to help them. So, he joined the Board of Directors and Res/ Title is now one of the Home’s largest supporters and donors. The company also purchases Christmas presents for all the children St. Mary’s cares for in the residence, realizing time and again how the Home has touched the lives of so many in the community. RES/ T I TLE 2008 they were on the rise on the East Coast with 18 different offices. At that point, we were mainly doing Residential,” says Paolino, “and after the big crash of 2008 everyone had to get lean and mean because the market changed drastically.” Paolino didn’t see that crash as a crisis, instead he took the time to take advantage of his resources. He and his son buckled down to diversify and make Res/ Title stand out in a way that, even after more than 15 years in business, set them apart from the competition. They created technology that allowed the company to quote their fees online to the lenders. Paolino notes, “That made us national because the lenders now were able to access our technology and get exact quotes when a lot of the lenders at the time, such as Wells Fargo and banks, were doing multi-state work. So a loan officer in Massachusetts could, with our technology, quote Florida and not worry about being in what’s called a ‘variance cost situation’. That expanded us to 42 states.” Then Paolino, who had done Commercial titles since 2007, dove into the under $5