Chemserve Terminal

of that size, how much industrial lighting we have,” Law reports. “We’ve gone to great expense to change that lighting and reduce our electrical consumption considerably by about 30 percent overall and to reduce our carbon footprint, which has been helpful from an economic standpoint but, more importantly, we do want to be good stewards of the environment.” Health, safety, and environmental initiatives provide a financial benefit for Chemserve Terminal. But they also ensure a good working environment for employees. And that’s important to management. “It is a family-style atmosphere from the top to the bottom,” Law reflects. “So we look at every employee as a family member, and we want them to be just as safe as a husband, or a wife, or a son, or a daughter and go home every night to their loved ones.” So far, that mission has been accomplished. Chemserve Terminal has never had a reportable injury at either of its facilities and has won two safety awards. Law credits the success of Chemserve Terminal’s initiatives with how the company utilizes its employees. Each employee is evaluated to determine strengths and weaknesses. That information is used to put the person in a position where they’re likely to succeed. This has resulted in a happier and safer workplace. “And I think really the most important part of this is being a small company and having the type of employees we have,” Law acknowledges. “The employees are, quite frankly, who make our company. So they keep our customers happy. Everybody does their job but I will say that everybody does it exceptionally.” CHEMSERVE TERMINAL