Salem County, New Jersey

SALEM COUNTY , NEW JERSEY specific programs that move right into the workforce with Associate’s degrees. Our Nuclear Energy Technician Program supplies the Salem Nuclear Power Plant in the southern end of the County. We probably have 15-20 graduates on an annual basis that are going there, and that’s a 2,000-person operation. We tailor the program to what their needs are. We also have a very healthy Nursing Program that’s done extremely well over the last few years. Nearly 100 percent of our students are passing the State Boards, which is almost unheard of. Because healthcare is becoming an increasing part of our labor force, that’s an important component for us to be able to satisfy. The third program, which is unique to us, is our Glass Program.” Salem College is the only community college in the U.S. to offer this specialized degree. It’s a bifurcated program: one side leading to an applied science degree in Scientific Glass Technology and the other, a fine arts degree in Glass Art.