The Village of Montgomery, Illinois

Compact II,” he begins. The Greenest Region Compact is a collaboration of communities working towards creating a more sustainable Greater Chicago region. The goals of the Compact address ten areas, including: climate, economic development, energy, land, leadership, mobility, municipal operations, sustainable communities, water, and waste & recycling. These goals help guide coordinated efforts across the region to enhance the quality of life for residents, protection and stewardship of the environment, and sustainable economic vitality. The Village signed onto the Compact as its 100th member. “The Village has gone through a SolSmart process, and been issued a SolSmart Gold designation,” Chipman continues. SolSmart is a national designation program recognizing communities that make it faster, easier, and more affordable to go solar. Communities that achieve designation are recognized as SolSmart Gold, Silver, or Bronze. Since the program launched in THE V I LLAGE OF MONTGOMERY , I LL INOI S