The Village of Montgomery, Illinois

THE V I LLAGE OF MONTGOMERY , I LL INOI S We require Special Service Areas (SSAs) for all of these detention basins, and oftentimes these subdivisions that these detention basins function for want to be in our maintenance program. We have close to 30 detention basins that we manage. Our program has been so successful that we’ve had three different HOAs say, ‘We don’t want to be in this business anymore; let’s give these basins to the Village and have them maintain them through the SSA programs,’ and they actually dissolve. It’s not usual to hear of HOAs dissolving, but that is something that we have seen.” “It’s kind of a model for other communities,” says Young. “Jerad has participated in some workshops on showing communities how they can better manage their stormwater facilities. So, we’ve been at the forefront and we’ve doing it for quite a while. It’s been very successful, not only from a stormwater management standpoint, but from an aesthetic standpoint, too.” “The Village Hall has green initiatives built into it, as well,” Chipman adds. “There are permeable pavers on the Village Hall property, as well as a rain garden. More recently, in the downtown, where there are alleys, the Village had some stormwater issues. The Village removed the asphalt and subsurface and replaced it with permeable asphalt. The permeable asphalt has proven effective in mitigating those stormwater issues with minimal maintenance.” Corinne Vargas is Montgomery’s new Community Relations Manager. Her focus is on bringing new events and programs to the Village’s residents, while telling its story to the locals and surrounding communities. Many of Montgomery’s activities are geared towards families with the intent of bringing people together as a community. Vargas commented “Montgomery is a wonderful community that prides itself on its rich history. I enjoy bringing programs and events to the area and watching families enjoy spending time with one another and in the community they live in.”