Light Dental Studios

L IGHT DENTAL STUDIOS been able to scale our company, it’s brought costs down rather than increasing them. Our fees sit, roughly, between 40 to 60 percent of the market-based fees. So we’re considerably less expensive than going to a small practice.” BVM: Does branding play an important role? Broughton: “We are a branded company – some of the really large groups in the U.S. are non- branded. Going to the dentist is not something a lot of people want to do, so because of that they might get upset and go online and leave third-party reviews that can hurt a brand. That’s why a lot of larger groups that have grown quickly have removed the brand. Whereas, we’ve chosen to stay with the Light Dental Studios brand because of the benefits. It’s less expensive to reach our patients when we’re a branded company. We understand that negative reviews will kill the company and kill the brand and we’ve worked really hard on the model to give our patients a good CEO, Dr. Steve Broughton