Digby, Nova Scotia

MUNI C I PAL I TY OF THE DI STR I CT OF DIGBY , NOVA SCOT I A Saint John, New Brunswick – is a definite plus. Another asset is the Digby Annapolis Regional Airport, Nova Scotia’s highest airport at 499 feet above sea level - small in size and ideal for accommodating light to medium twin-engine aircraft. Jimmy MacAlpine, Warden of the Municipality of Digby, reports, “One of the biggest projects our community and our area is facing is the $35 million expansion of the Port of Digby in our neighboring Town of Digby. Currently, the Port infrastructure only accommodates 77 boats but there could be 100 boats tied up there at any given time.” It primarily services the needs of the lobster, scallop, and ground fish fisheries, and the occasional Cruise ship. Over time, fishing boats have been built larger, so the port is in dire need of space. They also want to incorporate a laydown area, where they can attract commercial activity and the niche cruise ship industry, which is a rapidly growing sector on the eastern coast of Canada and the U.S. Says Warden MacAlpine,