The International Cast Polymer Association
THE INTERNATIONAL CAST POLYMER ASSOCIATION and another member can read that and respond.There’s also been a great need for buying and selling equipment because many of our manufacturers are streamlining; they can post that they have equipment to sell, on the forum page, or if they’re looking for a particular piece of equipment to buy.” “We publish a quarterlymagazine called Cast Polymer Connection, and I also publish a monthly electronic newsletter.We have an annual industry convention event called POLYCON. It’s an opportunity for manufac- turers to get together. Suppliers and distribu- tors bring their new products to display; we have breakout sessions and round table discussions, and hands-on plant demon- strations” In 2019, POLYCON will be held in Kansas City on April 10th-12th. Towner goes on to explain that the As- sociation keeps up with some of the new trends in the cast polymer sector. For exam- ple,“Many of our manufacturers are mov- ing toward specializing in one area; they’re focusing on residential homebuilders, or commercial building, particularly hospital- ity-many do not do both. Some specialize in one particular type of cultured marble such as tile, or one type of product such as vanity tops, shower basins, shower panels, or win- dow sills.They find that if they do one thing really well, and just produce that product, it can be more profitable for them. So,many of them are becoming very specialized.” “There’s also a move toward automation and robotics,”Towner adds.“The technology is out there to help improve production and
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