The Natural Products Association
spending an estimated $1 billion annually comply- ing with federal laws and regulations. For the past two years,we have worked with the Administra- tion to improve regulations so that they continue to protect consumers while also keeping costs low.The NPA is the leading association for filing expert testimony on a host of regulatory propos- als and is repeatedly sought out for its analysis of complex issues. NPA’s leadership, along with its active grassroots network organized through saveo-, recently brought the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to delay its Nutrition and Supplement Facts Labeling rule, saving consumers hundreds of millions of dollars. At the state level, we have beaten back onerous and misguided pro- posals, including one in Massachusetts that would have forced protein powder and other safe products to be sold behind the counter. Our ability to work directly with regulators in Washington is the most effective tool we have to develop smart, fact-based regulations that ensure the U.S. has the safest foods, dietary supplements, and natural health and beauty aids in the world. Despite our support for the Administration’s regulatory approach, NPA and its members do have serious concerns with new tariff proposals that could do serious damage to American leadership in this industry, raise costs for consumers, and stifle in- novation. While we share the Administration’s goal to help American jobs and businesses,we have been clear about our view during public hearings and comments that these tariffs would cause significant harm to our industry’s ability to innovate, grow, and meet consumer demand for natural products.
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