Lebanon, Pennsylvania

acquired, improvements were made to utilities, and an RFPwent out to developers. People were moved from inadequate housing to a much-im- proved living situation and the land was developed into a multi-use commercial complex, featuring a dollar store,medical clinic, and a future physical therapy business; one pad remains for a restau- rant.That Partridge Street Redevelopment Project brought in tens of thousands of dollars in economic development, and the revitalized site is now known as The Shoppes at the Bridges. In 2014, the city started to create an economic development strategic blueprint for the future.The “Grow Lebanon 2020”plan recognizes key strengths to be leveraged by the community, including: Mar- ket Connectivity; Higher Education &Workforce Development; Active Lifestyles; Strong Urban Core; and Collaboration. Grow Lebanon 2020 is founded upon a strong collaboration among the private sector, the city, the county, education, and resident stakeholders. Since the plan was released in 2015, every action step has been assigned to a team leader. The importance of bringing people downtown, in- creasing foot traffic, and building the core, cannot be understated. Seeing people walking around, shop- ping, and engaged in activities dispels the percep- tion that the city is unsafe. In fact, in 2017, Lebanon had the lowest crime rate in its history.According to Capello,“On Hwy. 422, in the downtown area,we want to do a streetscape plan similar to Easton City, with new curbs, sidewalks, beauty strips, trees, and lighting to help with revitalization.We’ve already upgraded our Victorian lampposts with LED, so it’s a bright, crisp light.Also, thanks to donations,we were able to install public space security cameras down- town to make people feel safer.” This year, the city established a “Lebanon PAMade” event.Makers must create, produce, or design some- thing while working in Lebanon (could be music, videos, artwork), or produce a product or rawmate- rial used to create a final product, and the plant is in Lebanon.Or they create something outside the city but have a storefront or business that sells the item in Lebanon. Sixteen companies participated with unique products like Lebanon Bologna; Wertz Candies, a local candymaker for 85 years that spins their own caramel corn; VanWinkle’s Opera Fudge-