Five Star Call Centers

we have proven results,we are trusted, and the larg- est source of our business is referrals.” The call center business is a fairly small,well-con- nected group.They know each other, and while they could be competitors, there’s a right fit–culturally and organizationally–for everybody. Five Star turns down more prospects than they take on; prefer- ring to stay where they’re providing great customer service, and innovating, and creating best-in-class processes. For potential customers wanting more of a transactional model, or cheaper model, Five Star refers them to partners in the space that align bet- ter with that business model. Operating in a handful of different industries, from healthcare, to financial services, retail,manufactur- ing, and hospitality, Five Star gleans best practices from each of those and applies themwhere it makes sense.As Sylvester explains,“Maybe a hos- pitality client has a really good idea, but one of our