Clarke Products Inc.

in inch-and-a -half lengths, so that the fiber and the resin mixture meet on the tub and collectively form an FRP (Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic) layer that’s strong.That will all be reduced to robotic applica- tion with our new device when it’s installed. It will reduce the amount of people and increase the out- put.The first one we’re putting in will, roughly, give us the output of what we’re presentlymaking on the day shift in our plant, right now. It’s infinitelymore productive and we’ll probably have, overall, a better quality, insofar as it’s more consistent.” BVM: What’s the long-term outlook for Clarke Products? Clarke: “We intend to continue to grow our busi- ness.We see substantial growth coming in the solid surface area, and we are looking at doubling our- selves in the next 24-30 months.And a lot of that growth will come in solid surface, and that’s based upon new business coming in all the time.We have a substantial backlog, right now, that is maturing and will develop in the next two to two-and-a-half years. “We also intend to go into some other non- plumbing related areas where we feel we have distribution capabilities to put these products into the market and get them into the hands of consum- ers.We’re always looking for newmaterials and new ways to make new products and better,most cost- effective items.” PREFERREDVENDORS Wood Components - NuWhirl Systems Corp.- NuWhirl designs and manufactures a full com- prehensive line of bath components such as the Infusion® Microbubble System,TOUCHSTONE® Electronic Controls, and air massage.Through their ongoing investment in R&D and their independent research, NuWhirl continues to lead, redefine and reinvigorate luxury bathing. CGAir Systèmes Inc. -