Calvert County, Maryland

you can’t have a Comprehensive Plan that you’ll never be able to achieve, and you can’t have a Zon- ing Ordinance that forces things that’s not a vision within the Comprehensive Plan.” Jenny Plummer-Welker is Calvert County’s Long Range Planner. She describes the overall goals of the county’s Comprehensive Plan.“We have four main points,” she avers.“To improve the overall qual- ity of life by promoting sustainable development; to promote a stable and enduring economic base; to provide for safety, health, and education; and to preserve the natural, cultural, and historic assets of Calvert County.” Willis explains that sustainable development is covered in the draft Land Use chapter of the Com- prehensive Plan: “The Land Use chapter promotes creating a sustainable land use pattern by creating a balanced mix of residential, recreational, commer- cial, and industrial uses and is anti-sprawl. Proposed policies allowmixed-uses, and higher development intensities that create more efficient, less consump- tive buildings and spaces in the town centers.That’s our goal: to keep what we have, but direct growth where it makes sense.We’re not trying to increase the density of Calvert County.What we’re trying to do is just divert it from the rural areas of the county into those receiving areas,which are the town cen- ters and the immediate areas around the town cen- ters.You increase the density within those receiv- ing areas so that a walkable community can occur.