The Billings Logan International Airport

you’re doing it, you’re on the top of the world.There are some great turnouts; you can look around and there are spectacular views. So,we’re trying to catch up a little bit, and I think we’re making a little head- way.That’s really the only place where we compete with the other Montana airports.” "Montana’s been discovered,”Ploehn adds.“We’re seeing a lot more passengers come to Billings, and so is Bozeman,Missoula, Kalispell, Helena; and we’re all in the process of expanding our terminals to some degree. Right now,we only have five loading bridges and, during the busy times of the year,we al- ways have seven or eight aircraft on the ground, so we have to do a lot of shuffling of people and air- craft,which isn’t in the airlines’ best interests.They like to park their aircraft and bring people in and out easily. So,we’re looking at expanding our concourse, so we can get up to eight loading bridges put in place.We’ll start that project next summer.