
I n September of 2010,a large-diameter steel pipe carrying natural gas to customers exploded into flames in a residential neighborhood of San Bruno, California.Eight peoplewere killed,and the explo- sion registered as a 1.1magnitude earthquake in the area. This tragedyexposed aweakness within the prac- tices amongmanynatural gas systemoperators: as gas pressure is increased in aging piping,the system is vulnerable.This one incident changed the industry’s actions and awareness of the need for oversight and compliance-drivenwork. SiteWise,LLC,is an operating companyof the Peak UtilityServices Group,a leading regional provider of turnkey,dryutility infrastructure construction and maintenance services.Theyperformgas utilitywork throughout Colorado,primarily focused on compliance workmandated by the Department of Transportation SITEWISE, LLC A LEADER IN UTILITY INFRASTRUCTURE LLC AT A GLANCE SITEWISE, LLC WHAT: A leading provider of turnkey, dry utility infrastructure construction and maintenance services WHERE: Wheat Ridge, Colorado WEBSITE: