of an additional 335 acres to expand the Midwest Industrial Park, offering two large parcels ready for future development. “We’ve been working on preparing to be shovel ready over the last year and a half, doing all the investigations we need, to be able to present that to an end user, to show that we are ready for them to start building here in Richmond,” states Shaffer. Although this project does include a substantial sewer upgrade, a large wastewater treatment plant has all the necessary capacity for current and future growth.“Capacity currently exists to serve our immediate needs; this is planning for the future.” she notes. “We are working with the Richmond Sanitary District, who are conducting a preliminary engineering report to fully understand the scope, the timeline and cost of the upgrade so that we can further grow our wastewater capacity in the Midwest Industrial Park.” The county is also working with the community of Cambridge City, home to the SugarCreek plant, to address water capacity issues. “We have been collaborating with the town of Cambridge City’s engineers at Wessler Engineering, and we just obtained a $2.8 million grant from the Economic Development Administration to help build a new water tower for that park,” says Shaffer. “Currently, it is served by a 400,000 gallon per day tower, and we’re going to build a second 1 million gallon per day tower so that we can continue to cultivate new WE MEAN BUSINESS 5 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 06, ISSUE 02 WAYNE COUNTY, IN