Indiana, Ohio border. We have a tremendous asset in that we are situated right along Interstate 70, as well as US 40 and several other state roads that allow for excellent logistics and distribution for our industries,” explains Valerie Shaffer, President of the Economic Development Corporation of Wayne County. She notes that the county has long been a center for manufacturing, but its economy has diversified significantly. Key industries now include human-grade and pet food processing, automotive components, plastics, healthcare, and education. SugarCreek, a private label protein producer in Cambridge City is one notable success story. “They purchased a 78,000 square foot building that was a food grade manufacturing space, and then added on over 400,000 square feet,” Shaffer details. “They have continued to grow over the last 10 years, and that growth has been substantial for a rather small community in Wayne County, and has impacted other small communities around it, as they draw in a labor force from many miles away.” Liberation Labs is also making a significant investment in Wayne County, with a $115 million state-of-the-art facility under construction in Richmond. “They are producing animal alternative proteins that are used in the food industry,” she explains. In addition, Hill’s Pet Nutrition, and Purina Animal Nutrition have both been part of Wayne County’s economic landscape for decades, fueling the county’s growth in animal food production. Blue Buffalo’s $200 million expansion and the development of Anchor Ingredients, a leading provider of highquality ingredients for the pet industry highlights the area’s emergence as a leader in the pet food sector. POPULATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE Addressing the challenges of population decline and loss of employment have led to the diverse opportunities the county is showcasing today. “In the 90s, and the early 2000s we lost some large manufacturers, mostly tied to the automotive industry,” recounts Shaffer.“Since then, we have really tried to rebuild our local economy and diversify so that we aren’t so dependent upon any one sector.” A partnership between the City of Richmond and Wayne County Government has led to the purchase 3 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 06, ISSUE 02 WAYNE COUNTY, IN