Wayne County IN

enabled the county to achieve significant milestones in industrial development, downtown revitalization, and quality-of-life improvements. “We’ve really demonstrated that we can come together and pool resources to accomplish big goals. I’m really proud of that level of collaboration that we have,” she states. “We have a lot going on right now, and I don’t think any of that would be possible without the true collaboration that’s occurred in recent years.” PREFERRED VENDOR/PARTNER n Indiana University East www.east.iu.edu get involved and have smaller events that coincide with that. That’s really a unique festival for us,” says Shaffer. Autumn is another lively season in Wayne County, with each community hosting its own fall festival. “People make their way around to all of those,” she conveys. COMMUNITY SPIRIT AND COLLABORATION Shaffer attributes much of Wayne County’s success to the partnerships between local governments, businesses, and community organizations that have 10 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 06, ISSUE 02