Wabash County IN

North Manchester and Fort Wayne Experiences the books 70More than areas of study NCAA DIII men’s and women’s sports 21 30+ student clubs and organizations Accelerated programs Early college experience EARLY ACCESS At Manchester University, students form lifelong relationships, get to know their professors one-on-one, and are challenged to open their minds to new ideas and new experiences. From internships and field experience to study trips around the globe, MU offers transformative hands-on learning opportunities. Manchester and its students stand out from the crowd. It is home to the world’s first undergraduate peace studies program, 21 NCAA DIII varsity sports, 60 clubs and organizations, and a thriving esports team. Online programs in business administration and pharmacy make it possible to conveniently obtain a first-rate education from anywhere in the world. Because of generous scholarships and financial aid, students pay, on average, just 37% of the advertised tuition price. A rich history with the Church of the Brethren grounds the University in values of learning, faith, diversity, and service. The tight-knit community allows faculty, staff, and students to make meaningful, personal connections that last a lifetime. With more than 70 areas of undergraduate study, five master’s programs, and three professional doctorate programs, anyone is bound to discover new passions while refining their skills and preparing for their career. Schedule a visit and experience the Manchester magic!