campaigns as well as other blitzes through mailers and fundraisers. We’ve had a huge impact with our social media campaign, using most media outlets such as Facebook, Instagram,TikTok, and all the main social media platforms, and we’ve had an excellent return on that.” SAC CITY MUNICIPAL AIRPORT The Sac City Municipal Airport is a vital transportation link for the region’s growing business community. Strategically positioned near Highway 20 and Highway 71, the airport facilitates efficient access for corporate travelers. “Western Iowa has a lot of empty space, so to be able to fly in cuts a lot of time off their day,” explains Matthew Wallace, Chairman of the Sac City Airport Commission. Recent infrastructure improvements have enhanced the facility’s capabilities.“With the apron expansion, what we lost was one of our old hangars in a windstorm,” says Ken Myers,Airport Manager.“Rather than rebuilding there due to the limitations of the space, we expanded the apron out to accommodate more aircraft. The apron space was limited to start with, and in summer and fall, we have heavy ag operations that go on there. Now there’s room for people to get in and out, plus the ag operators to set up.” The airport has modernized its services to meet user needs. “We’ve upgraded to LED lighting in the last couple years and upgraded the approach lighting,” Myers notes.“The only thing left in our master plan is to replace the rotating beacon, scheduled for next year.” The facility also transitioned from a keybased fuel system to a 24-hour credit card system, matching the convenience of modern gas stations. Looking ahead, the airport plans strategic expansion to support business growth.“If there was an industry that expressed interest at the airport, we’d probably move forward or at least try to get the funding to accommodate them,” Myers says. “We’re looking at expanding the apron space out to the west, which gives us the footprint to begin, at least to give people the opportunity if they want to move into the area.” The airport’s impact on business efficiency is significant.“There’s one company in Minnesota that owns a plant in Lake View, and they’ll come down a few times a year visiting four or five plants at a time,” Myers explains. “Instead of losing an entire day on an eight-hour drive, they’re able to visit two to three plants and still be home at night.” HEALTHCARE AND INFRASTRUCTURE Sac City continues to strengthen its healthcare infrastructure through significant expansion at Loring Hospital. The ongoing development project includes approximately 42,000 square feet of 8 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 06, ISSUE 02