flighting. Essentia Protein Solutions out of Lytton creates valuable protein solutions for both human and animal consumption. Nutrien AG Solutions, the leading global provider of crop inputs and services, has locations in Sac County and Remington Seeds, one of the largest third-party seed producers in the world, has a location in Schaller, Iowa. Looking toward future growth, Sac City offers substantial development opportunities. “ Sac City has an 18-acre industrial park available for business,” Wilson notes.“Sac Economic & Tourism Development has a 90-acre industrial park just northeast of Sac City that’s also available.” Sac Economic & Tourism Development secured a bio-economy development opportunity zone rating, encompassing Sac City and a 75-mile radius, specifically targeting bio-based economic development. The city actively promotes these opportunities through a comprehensive marketing strategy.“In the last three or four years, we developed a marketing program with one of our local consultants,” Lawrence says.“We’ve really focused on social media 7 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 06, ISSUE 02 SAC CITY, IA & SAC CITY MUNICIPAL AIRPORT