Ogle County IL

PREFERRED VENDOR/PARTNER n Constellation www.constellation.com Constellation, a Fortune 200 company headquartered in Baltimore, is the nation’s largest producer of clean, carbon-free energy, with the generating capacity to power the equivalent of 16 million homes. The Byron Clean Energy Center is part of Constellation’s nuclear power fleet, which Is the largest In the country. what makes us so special, and labor and work ethic was always their first response,” Coulombe explains. The presence of these companies highlights the county’s ability to support diverse industries while maintaining its identity. Additionally, investments in infrastructure, including new village halls, improved sidewalks, and affordable, accessible housing, are enhancing the county’s aesthetic appeal and economic functionality. Ogle County is a shining example of how a community can balance growth with preserving its natural beauty and small-town charm. Through collaboration, strategic planning, and a commitment to quality of life, the county is charting a course for a bright and sustainable future. Whether as a place to visit, work, or call home, Ogle County offers something truly special. 10 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 06, ISSUE 02