Vicksburg Community Schools

how we involve our community and how involved they are with us and what we do.” VCS organizes various events throughout the year, including the annual community tailgate which brings 1000s of community members out to enjoy an afternoon together before a big football game. O’Neill points to the efforts of groups such as Rotary, Lions Club, various booster clubs, the ministerial alliance, Generous Hands, and South County Community Services, saying,“They all provide support for our kids, especially our needy kids. Our community spends a great deal of time reaching out to us, asking how they can contribute to our success.” In addition, the Vicksburg Community Schools Foundation, under the umbrella of the Vicksburg Foundation, provides an endowment of $3 million to the district. “Those dollars support us in so many different ways,”O’Neill says.“It’s just a fantastic pot of money, that is outside the general fund.They are very, very important as far as the community engagement and how we operate as a school district within the 4 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 02