True Rest Float Spa Franchising

Building upon the foundation of sensory deprivation, by the end of 2024, the franchise plans to expand its services to also include sensory enhancement, which includes things like guided audio, virtual reality experiences, and tailored interventions that promise to revolutionize the wellness landscape. True REST is also identifying key markets ripe for growth, hoping to secure more working partnerships by developing in cities that are home to professional sports teams, like Dallas and Philadelphia. As the brand extends its reach, the commitment to simplicity and innovation remains unwavering, promising not to overwhelm franchisees with too much operational diversification, ensuring that each location remains an easily operated sanctuary of serenity and healing. Looking ahead, True REST Float Spa envisions a future where wellness knows no bounds. By blending simplicitywith innovation, the brand seeks to redefine the wellness experience, empowering individuals to unlock their full potential and embrace a life of balance and vitality. With a steadfast dedication to excellence, True REST Float Spa is certainly floating on cloud 9, as it stands poised to lead the way to a brighter, more rejuvenated tomorrow. PREFERRED VENDOR/ PARTNER n Universal Insurance Programs 10 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 02