Temiskaming Shores Northern Ontario

STRONG VALUES. EXPERIENCE THAT DELIVERS. CGVGROUP.CA old building could not store modern firefighting equipment. To meet the need for affordable housing, the district renovated closed schools. Recent similar efforts have resulted in new senior accommodations. The city prioritizes maintaining its amenities, like its aging hockey arenas. Laferriere notes, “Huge accessibility upgrades were done to the New Liskeard Arena.” Alongs ide inf rast ructure cons iderat ions , Temiskaming addresses cultural and educational amenities through public consultation. Laferriere adds, “We renovated an existing medical building and increased the size of the library.” This forward- thinking initiative ensures continued library services for residents without transportation access. GROWTH IN INDUSTRIAL PARKS Attempting to attract new businesses and investors, the district pumped $8million into Dymond Industrial Park. This expansion added 75 acres, incorporating three-phase hydro, natural gas, and water and sewer 6 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 02