Saco, Maine

let the businesses know, the ones that are there, as well as others looking to come to the area, we are here to help and make them stronger and be sustainable within their business,” she asserts. TOURISM AND QUALITY OF LIFE OPPORTUNITIES When it comes to drawing tourists in, Saco offers an array of attractions, from seasonal activities like water and amusement parks, and tourist destinations like Camp Ellis and the Saco River, to thriving fishing and recreational sectors, drawing people from far and wide. “Saco has really got everything that a community could ask for,” admits Desjardins. “You have the tourists, you have the fishing industry, you have the recreational industry, but then you have York County Community College (YCCC), founded in 1994, is dedicated to developing an educated and skilled workforce to meet the evolving needs of York County. Our core mission drives every program and initiative, ensuring that our educational offerings align with the regional economic landscape and labor market demands. As York County’s beacon for educational excellence and workforce development, YCCC offers a wide array of programs, from industry-recognized credentials to associate degrees. These programs are designed not just for immediate employment, but for lifelong learning and adaptability in a rapidly changing world. YCCC’s strategic location fosters a unique synergy between education, industry, and community, making it an essential partner for both businesses seeking skilled talent and individuals aiming for personal and professional growth. Our commitment to accessible education underscores our role in propelling economic mobility, enriching lives, and strengthening the fabric of our community. We invite you to join our mission at YCCC. Explore our programs at and see how we can support your ambitions, whether you’re looking to enhance your skills, embark on a new career, or contribute to the prosperity of York County. Together, we can shape a future that reflects our shared vision of excellence and innovation. Saco has really got everything that a community could ask for. You have the tourists, you have the fishing industry, you have the recreational industry, but then you have the quaint little downtown area. You have the river, which is very unique because it actually flows into the ocean. Then you get further out, and you have the countryside, where there is some beautiful farmland. SACO, MAINE