Ruidoso New Mexico

leading-edge civic center called Village Hall. Ruidoso received 3.5 million from the Department of Finance towards its completion. Sena says,“We reconstructed the Municipal Court, and we are working on the Forestry area.”The center will house the Emergency Operations Center, an ultramodern dispatch unit, and storage for the police, museum, and clerk’s office. Town officials authorized, funded, and realized vast infrastructure projects and are focusing on other ventures. While grateful for the multitude of grants, the Mayor is lobbying for more capital outlay at the New Mexico Legislature. Future grants will go towards further growth in areas such as housing. FACING THE HOUSING CRISIS HEAD-ON The Village of Ruidoso has taken measures to address the crisis but still grapples with a real estate shortage. Short-term rentals experienced growth, with 98% of unoccupied properties being entire homes. An amendment to the township’s multi-family dwelling ordinance allows the infill of vacant residential-zoned properties. The municipality intends to improve affordable accommodation options for retirees, government employees, students, and low-income persons. Through budget allocations and funding from the state and Governor’s office, Ruidoso embarked on an 18-unit mobile home development on village-owned property. But this spunky town did not stop there. “We accessed the Mortgage Finance Authority and received a Dallas bank donation,” adds Crawford. The construction of seventeen residences is done. “They are transporting the 18th and final building block within the next couple of weeks.” Recognizing the village’s extensive efforts, spanning from property acquisition to long-term strategies, Sena states, “We completed every task we could conceive,” highlighting the challenges and multifaceted nature of progress. Sena is optimistic about future steps, “envisioning collaborations with local partners to discuss needs. It is all about employment housing.” Mayor Lynn Crawford 5 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 02 RUIDOSO, NM