Fulcrum Custom Builders

Beyond their client’s direct design wishes, Fulcrum Custom Builders keeps a keen eye on housing design trends that are also reflected in its properties and renovations. “The trend [we are seeing] is still very much in favor of the open concept, clean lines, steel roofs, lots of glazing, bringing the outdoors inside where possible, as well as light-colored walls, modern designs, and modern roof lines.” Although some projects may run into the million- dollar mark, Salfi cautions that the cost of each project is dependent on the vision the client has and the scale of the renovations and construction. “There is a personal interest in each client. Some of the smaller renovations or projects in comparison to large scale builds can present the same or more challenges.” “In today’s market and our region, a new build is close to the million-dollar mark. There are many variables such as selections for customer finishes which determine the fluctuation of price,” Salfi elaborates. BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS WITH THE COMMUNITY AND LOCAL SUPPLIERS Although Salfi is the first to admit that there is no greater relationship in the custom home-building business than with the client and he stresses that every effort is made to translate the needs and wishes of the client, he also draws attention to the key role that local suppliers and the community play in the business. Fulcrum Custom Builders puts concentrated effort into maintaining solid and long-term locally focused relationships to ensure continued success. “Relationships are paramount in any business and a community of our size (roughly 85,000).We surround ourselves with talented individuals and local relationships which can make a project a success.” “We try to source as much product as we can locally.” With a distinctive local flare and a high level of commitment to the community, Fulcrum Custom 7 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 11, ISSUE 02 FULCRUM CUSTOM BUI LDERS