City of Sunland Park

Mayor Javier Perea articulates this vividly, portraying the city as a dynamic intersection. “We’re one of the fastest-growing cities in New Mexico,” he asserts. His pride is palpable as he speaks of Sunland Park’s unique position at the convergence of Texas, New Mexico, and Mexico. While presenting diverse challenges, this location also opens doors to unparalleled opportunities, particularly highlighted by the recent legalization of cannabis. This intersectionality extends beyond mere geography and legislation. Sunland Park’s cultural fabric is woven from the threads of its rich history and art, deeply influenced by its binational, bicultural community.“It’s always been a pass-through,”Mayor Perea reflects on the area’s historical significance. The narrative of Sunland Park is a mosaic of movement and exchange, tracing back to times when the land was entirely under Mexican sovereignty. Despite the shifts over the centuries, this essence of transit - for trade, commerce, and people - remains a constant, imbuing the city with a sense of perpetual dynamism. NAVIGATING THE HOUSING CHALLENGE As many American cities grapple with housing shortages and escalating prices, Sunland Park stands at an intriguing crossroads of challenge and opportunity. Under Mayor Perea’s stewardship, the city is witnessing a significant influx of new residents, drawn by the allure of its comparatively affordable living costs. While beneficial in many ways, this influx brings with it the pressing need to expand and diversify housing options. Mayor Perea acknowledges the impact of the national housing shortage on Sunland Park, noting a consequential rise in home prices.“We started seeing many people migrating from other parts of the United States to El Paso because of the lower cost of living,” he explains. This migration has sparked a surge in the local housing market, propelling Sunland Park into a phase of rapid residential development. With an ambitious vision, the mayor forecasts adding up to 5000 new homes in the region. These projections build upon the impressive growth achieved during his tenure, with thousands of homes constructed in the past decade. 3 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 5, ISSUE 02 SUNLAND PARK, NM