San Jose CA
4 CIVIL AND MUNICIPAL VOLUME 4, ISSUE 2 SAN JOSE , CAL I FORNI A Today, San Jose, the quintessential historic- futurist city, still represents for many the bountiful promised land of ‘Heart’s Delight’. What remains to be seen is how a city born of sustenance to fill the wants of several generations, will incorporate trends in clean technology and sustainability, to create more opportunities for growth, innovation, well-being, and prosperity for the centuries to come. “The roots of why San Jose is a great community is that we’ve always been focused on this idea of the ecosystem,” offers Nanci Klein, Deputy Director of Economic Development. “For decades, people came to San Jose and Silicon Valley because it’s where you could go from concept to product in a short amount of time. There were tech mentors and strategic planning advisors everywhere, and these resources are still a big advantage in San Jose. It’s a very open community. There’s less of a veneer here. CEOs are actually accessible. And that remains a hallmark of San Jose.”
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