Powersource Transportation

6 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 9, ISSUE 11 .......................................................... Work smarter, not harder. That’s what Barb Bakos does. As CEO of PowerSource Transportation, Bakos knows trucking and she’s leader in the trucking industry. She trusts Hightower Great Lakes fiduciaries to navigate her path from where she is now with her finances to where she wants to be. Bakos positively impacts her industry, community, charities, and beloved family. While she puts her energies into what she does best, Tim Scannell and Samantha Pietruszynski of HGL focus on Bakos’ financial future. HGL experts assess business owners’ distinctive situations and help them make work optional, strategize taxes, prepare heirs and build exit strategies. HGL advisors know every business owner has unique personal values, industry issues, family dynamics, legacy goals and dreams for the future. We’re proud to work with business owners like Bakos who navigate obstacles, overcome challenges, and adapt to industry changes with confidence and commitment. She knows that we approach her portfolio with parallel expertise and dedication. Like Bakos, we’re experts in our field. Our clients are our priorities, and we take it to heart. Learn more about Hightower Great Lakes. Contact us at greatlakes@hightoweradvisors. com or (219) 531-4941.. For more information, contact us at greatlakes@hightoweradvisors.com or (219) 531-4941. nancial challenges that impact your positive cash flow to managing debt ing a succession plan when you’re e. Contact us to learn how we gui e wners toward financial i depend nce. OWER GREAT LAKES n Street, Suite 100 N 46383 41 | greatlakes@hightoweradvisors.com eatlakes.com Great Lakes tower Securities, LLC member FINRA/SIPC. s a SEC registered investment advisor. they know how to communicate well with our drivers.” Bakos estimates that close to 95 percent of her drivers are male, but the dynamic with her three female dispatchers works well. Powersource is also an extremely hands-on and transparent company. Bakos meets personally with all new drivers before hiring them. “We don’t hold back here,” she says. “We are very in touch with not just our customers but our drivers.” Providing a comfortable environment for employees and drivers is paramount and was behind Bakos’ decision to construct a new headquarters at a new location in Portage a few years ago. The new headquarters offers fully modernized showers and a comfortable lounge for the drivers, a gym to allow employees and drivers to exercise when convenient, and even a fenced-in area where family dogs can play. “Our employees and drivers care about the company’s performance because they are engaged,” Bakos says. Powersource has seen its business grow steadily over the last few years but has also POWERSOURCE TRANSPORTAT ION