Powersource Transportation

2 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 9, ISSUE 11 arb Bakos has a lot to be proud of since taking the helm of her husband’s trucking company, Powersource Transportation. Following her husband’s passing in 2014, and after discussing the life- changing decision with her closest friends, business associates, and family, Bakos took her seat at the head of the table of the power- only trucking company that had thrived for two decades boasting nearly 30 long-time employees. The trucking, freight, and logistics business was one in which Bakos had not had any direct experience. While Bakos’ father had managed a trucking company and she had some familiarity with her husband’s business, she had never been involved in the day-to- day management of such an organization. B Bakos not only made the decision to take over the company, but she also instituted an array of changes to help further modernize it. Within four years she had overseen the completion of a new corporate headquarters that included new office space and a comfortable lounge for drivers, made an array of new hiring decisions, and has since been named the Top Woman-Owned Business by Women in Trucking magazine four years in a row. Today, nearly all of Powersource’s full-time employees are women, and the company has more drivers than ever before. Those drivers are owner-operators, meaning they own and cover the costs of their own cabs, so Powersource has very little overhead. The “power-only” portion of Powersource’s description means that drivers are not responsible for loading or unloading. POWERSOURCE TRANSPORTATION: Driving past the competition