Northeast Philadelphia Airport
3 BUSINESS VIEW MAGAZINE VOLUME 9, ISSUE 2 PHIA ground performing the work. We are constantly looking for innovative ideas and products to improve efficiency and make the airport a safer operating environment. For example, we now use Cryotech’s E36 liquid and NAAC solid de- icers. In the past we used a combination of urea and sand on the runways to assist with aircraft braking resulting in aircraft basically landing on gritty sandpaper. Now, after plowing and brooming airfield surfaces, we apply the liquid or solid de-icer chemicals allowing aircraft to land on almost wet instead of icy pavement.” Doing much more than just succeeding, Northeast Philadelphia ended 2021 with 83,751 operations, the most they have seen since 2007. The four flight schools at the airport all saw growth as well, but the largest change was the increase in charter activity. Brewer points out that during the pandemic it just seemed a lot easier and safer to get from point A to point B by doing it in a private charter flight, and this included both corporate and recreational travel. He also notes how the two Fixed Base Operators, Atlantic Aviation and North Philadelphia Jet Center stepped up to make it the best possible experience for both pilot and passenger. “This year has been crazy,” Brewer adds. “We have been contacted by five different companies in the last six months who want to build hangars here. We don’t have any available hangars, but we have lots of space to build – we even have one charter company that is considering building an operations and maintenance facility AT A GLANCE NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA AIRPORT (PNE) WHAT: A thriving general aviation airport WHERE: Northeast part of Philadelphia, PA WEBSITE:
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