Revelation Realty Group

T he story begins In 2005, when Revelation Real Estate emerged on the Arizona property scene with a small complement of 15 agents and a dynamic leadership duo who were determined to succeed. Failure was not an option. Fueled by strong beliefs, an exceptional work ethic, and the passion of husband and wife owners, Chuck and Angela Fazio, Revelation became an industry powerhouse, barrelling into 2020 with close to $2 billion in sales, about 900 agents, and the esteemed ranking of Second Largest Independent Single-office Real Estate Brokerage in the U.S. At that point, the ever- visionary Fazios took a bold leap of faith… and “the massive real estate rebuild” that is now Revelation Realty Group Brokered by EXP Realty began in earnest. In February 2020, after owning the Chandler, Arizona based brokerage for 15 years, Chuck and Angela closed Revelation Real Estate and moved it over to the EXP Realty platform. So rather than owning a brokerage, they now operate Revelation Realty Group under the umbrella of EXP Realty. As Angela relates, “Pre-COVID is when we made the decision to change, so that wasn’t a factor. Our decision had more to do with the opportunities that EXP offers – both to ourselves and our agents that moved with us. And we literally had one of our best years ever in 2020. So we may have closed down the brokerage that had almost 900 agents, but now Brokered by EXP Realty ation LTY GROUP “The massive real estate rebuild”