Northport, Alabama
helps us be strategic and get some more of these road projects done, helping the overall transportation flow in our areas. It’s a really good commission that they set up three or four years ago that’s done a lot of good. That program will probably help us do some major projects on U.S. Highway 82 that runs through our town and that should help our commercial corridor, tremendously, right here in the heart of the city.” All three city officials believe that a sea change has taken place in Northport and that the city has embarked upon a new ethos and an updated strategy for growth. “This town, for a long time, had a culture of not being business-friendly,” says Snyder. “I’ve been here about two-and-a- half years now, and I have been able to see that the Mayor, Council and staff are serious about turning this place around. The city is launching a program called Streamline Northport. It’s a systematic reform of a lot of our processes and procedures when it comes to development. So, we are headed to a more user-friendly design, PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS 2814 Stillman Blvd. Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35401 (205) 759-1521 Fax (205) 759-1524
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