Biddeford, Maine

B IDDEFORD , MA INE inspection program is forcing them either to upgrade their buildings or sell them. “So the market is beginning to take off, almost to the point of being too fast,” Eddy admits. “At the same time we’re investing in the downtown Mill District, we’re racing to try to preserve as much affordable housing in our upper residential neighborhoods as we can before we lose it. It’s an interesting dance.” “The perception of the community, both internally and externally, has begun to change,” Eddy says, in conclusion. “We were known as the smelly city on the coast. And that’s no longer the case. We are on the Saco River and the Atlantic Ocean. We have the Biddeford Pool (six miles southeast of downtown) that represents one of the most beautiful beaches in southern Maine and the Saco River is probably the most protected river because it is a major water supply source for us and a backup for the Boston system. So, we have this really unique balance of natural resources and in the middle of all this we have this Mill District that once used the river as a source of power. While some buildings have been torn down, the core remains and it creates beautiful campus potential. So, we’re unique. And our location puts us right on the Downeaster Train Line to Boston; we’re close to the Portland Airport; and we have the Maine Turnpike skirting the middle edge of the community, providing easy truck and car access for all our businesses. So, you can live, work, play and get all your services here without leaving.”