Reynoldsburg, Ohio

portunity of increasing the availability of specialty shops, high-end office space, and uptown living within the city. Revitalization efforts will continue into Olde Reynoldsburg, as several conversations are on-going to establish redevelopment projects along main street.” 3) “Sustainability: Through our growing partner- ship with Bluestem Energy,we will be concluding a green energy audit and financial feasibility study for the city.This will take a look into utilizing solar and wind on city owned property to reduce green- house gas emissions and work our way towards a zero- carbon city.Ohio has come a long way with green initiatives, and this is Reynoldsburg following suit, and laying a foundation for a more sustainable future.” 4) “Changing perception: Through a future, creative branding strategy, the Development Department plans to reimagine and reinvigorate what is Reyn- oldsburg. Residents have mixed thoughts about the future of this city.The Development Department plays a vital role in the built aspect of the city, but we also feel it is our responsibility to project an im- age of diversity, history, economic vitality, and small town charm.Through this branding strategy,we hope to outline a process by which our teamwill create a compelling, relevant brand identity and keymessaging that differentiates Reynoldsburg from other communities.We intend to effectively communicate our vision, values, and aspirations for the future and provide a consistent, cohesive representation of the city across all communication platforms.” Reynoldsburg is verymuch driven by the commer- cial retail sector–two Targets, a large Walmart, a bevy of shops and restaurants, and Kroger Market- place,which is building a new 110,000-sq.-ft. com-