Paso Robles Municipal Airport
taken it upon themselves to try and promote avia- tion to the younger generation of the area with their local Experimental Aircraft Association that hosts the Young Eagles program.We have others that recently started an aviation club at the local high schools, that have kids that are interested. They come out to the Airport on Saturdaymorn- ing to look at airplanes, or they go to the museum located on the field–the Estrella Warbirds Mu- seum.This museum has 30 or 40 airplanes that have been rebuilt and refurbished.There are no engines in them so they don’t fly, but when you walk by looking at them, you think you’ve got a real airplane there.This is great experience for the younger generation that might be interested in aviation, as well as visitors from around the country that drop in.“Those are some of the things we’re working on, at the moment. “In the background, I’mmaking sure that the run- way is top-notch; the Airport facility, itself, operates; and that the services that we provide through the local FBO are all intact.Our FBO is ACI Jet Paso Robles and they’re doing a great job with the ser- vice elements that they provide. “The other thing that’s very attractive about Paso Robles is the absence of a lot of the security pro- cedures that are required at an air carrier airport. When you come in with your airplane, you park it on the ramp out here and your limousine or rental car can pull up right next to it, offload the baggage right into the trunk of the car, and you’re gone.The people love that kind of treatment and that kind of access. So, it’s working for us.We have a great facil- ity here and we continually work to make it better.” PREFERREDVENDORS ACI Jet Sinton Helicopters –
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