North Carolina Building Performance Association

By Ryan Miller -Founder & Executive Director W hen I moved to North Carolina in 2010 to make a role for myself in sustain- ability and “green”building, the tone, strategy, and leadership of the industry was a mess. Although savvy consumers were aware of “that LEED stuff”, the industry lacked an organizing body to counter attacks on initiatives like improving minimum energy code requirements and industry companies lacked a way to voice their concerns. In addition, the renewable energy industry’s ex- peditious growth garnered all attention on “clean” energy. There wasn’t much air left in the room for buildings and energy efficiency. Although it was well-known then, as it is now, that reducing energy usage before generating from renewables is the right way, due to a lackluster industry infrastructure, it wasn’t happening. Enter: opportunity.The time was right to organize a new strategy and voice for “green”building: building performance.