COE Distributing

tunity to buy it back out of bankruptcy and restart the company.”The gamble paid off. Ewing took the company out of bankruptcy in late 2009, and re- opened it in January 2010. Today, COE Distributing has two distribution center/ showrooms–one in Uniontown, Pennsylvania, an hour south of Pittsburgh, and another in Charlotte, North Carolina. Its products are sourced domesti- cally, as well as from Canada,Mexico, and South America, specifically, Brazil. It also brings in prod- uct fromMalaysia,Taiwan,Vietnam, and China. It wholesales to national e-tailers and retailers, such as Wayfair, Staples, and Amazon.“But a lot of our business, historically, and still today, has been the traditional, single location, brick and mortar, office furniture resale,”Ewing stresses. Ewing believes that what differentiates his compa- ny from the competition is the depth and breadth